Prof Madan’s commitment to excellence and her dogged determination to transform Architectural education and practice, is helping in making it multidisciplinary, inclusive, and hence, future-ready.
Prof Amrita Madan is a practicing architect (since 1997), an educator and researcher having a Master’s in Landscape Planning (2001) and an M.Phil. (Urban Theories) (2002), from France. She has a keen interest in the cross-over between fields of creative thinking in the making of space, experientiality and narrative-based design methodologies. Amrita’s journey over her 25 years of experience since graduation is a testament to this cross-over. Learning never stops, and currently, Amrita is pursuing her PhD on the systemic relationship between practice and pedagogy from SPA, New Delhi. She also serves as Associate Dean at School of Art and Architecture, Sushant University (SSAA).
Over her vast teaching career, Prof Madan has successfully mentored her numerous students, interns and young colleagues. She teaches Architectural Design since 2002, conducting undergraduate and postgraduate studios at SSAA, India and elsewhere, including invited Professorships at the ENSP, Versailles and ENSAP, Lille, France. Other than developing studio pedagogic programs, Amrita has evolved and fine-tuned Innovative Design Studio Teaching Techniques, Conducting Workshops on various subjects to expose students to the Industry and Professionals.
Registered as Lifetime Member with Council of Architecture of India, No. CA/97/22429.
Registered Associate Life Member with Indian Institute of Interior Designers (IIID), No. ALM-10372
Associate of Indian Institute of Architects, No. 24372
Secretary (2019-till date) and Founding Member, Sushant School
Alumni Association